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Visi & Misi Sekolah



1. Mewujdkan peserta didik yang berperilaku ramah dan berkarakter baik

2. Membudayakan pembiasaan dalam bidang keagamaan sesuai dengan amalan ahlussunnah waljamaah An Nahdliyah di lingkungan sekolah

3. Mewujudkan lulusan yang berprestasi dan memiliki ilmu pengetahuan dalam bidang Literasi, Numerasi, teknologi dan agama

4. Mewujudkan lulusan yang memiliki pribadi yang kritis, terampil, mandiri dan betanggung jawab

5. Mewujudnya lulusan yang memiliki life skill dengan diterbitkan Surat Keternagan Pendamping Ijazah (SKPI)

6. Mewujudkan lulusan yang mampu mengimplementasikan ilmu pengetahuannya di lingkungan masyarakat

7. Mewujudkan seluruh warga sekolah yang meiliki sikap akhlaqul karimah

8. Mengembangkan kreative guru untuk mendesain program pendidikan yang berkualitas dan senantiasa mengikuti perkembangan jaman

9. Mewujudkan pemetaan denah green school

10. Mewujudkan lingkungan sekolah berwawasan adiwiyata

11. Menerapkan budaya hidup bersih dan sehat guna melestarikan sekolah sehat

12. Mewujudkan sekolah siaga kependudukan

13. Mewujudkan sekolah aktif literasi

Master Of Business Administration

The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.

Bachelor Of Fashion Designing

The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.

Bachelors Of Computer Science

The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.

Bachelor Of Art,Science & Dance

The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.

Bachelor of Food Science and Nutrition

The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.

Bachelor of Health and Medical Science

The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.

Bachelor of General Studies (Science)

The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.

Bachelor of Information Studies (with specializations)

The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.

Undergraduate Courses

Display the courses provided by your institution in this section.
The view more button can be linked to Course listing Page.

Master Of Business Administration

The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.

Bachelor Of Fashion Designing

The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.

Bachelors Of Computer Science

The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.

Bachelor Of Art,Science & Dance

The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.

Bachelor of Food Science and Nutrition

The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.

Bachelor of Health and Medical Science

The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.

Bachelor of General Studies (Science)

The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.

Bachelor of Information Studies (with specializations)

The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.

Postgraduate Courses

Display the courses provided by your institution in this section.
The view more button can be linked to Course listing Page.

Master of Advanced Social Work Practice

The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.

Master of Cyber Studies and Investigations

The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.

Master of Nursing (with specializations)

The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.

Master of Clinical Psychology & Clinic

The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.

Postgraduate Courses

Display the courses provided by your institution in this section.
The view more button can be linked to Course listing Page.

Master of Advanced Social Work Practice

The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.

Master of Cyber Studies and Investigations

The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.

Master of Nursing (with specializations)

The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.

Master of Clinical Psychology & Clinic

The world is changing at an ever quickening rate, which means that a lot of knowledge becomes.

Windows Of Opportunity

Rishi University helps to prepare talents from under represented backgrounds for successful student careers.

Windows Of Opportunity

Rishi University helps to prepare talents from under represented backgrounds for successful student careers.

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    Quick Contact

    If you have any enquires, email us using the form and we will get back.

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